Karl Baisch GmbH – Legal notice

Karl Baisch GmbH

Legal notice


Karl Baisch GmbH

Pranger Str. 6
94560 Neuhausen / Offenberg
Fon +49 (0) 9931 / 89007-0
Fax +49 (0) 9931 / 89007-29

E-Mail: info@baisch.de

Managing director: Thomas Ziegler

Register court: Deggendorf
Register number: HRB 5308
VAT ID no.: DE 338 774 285

Holder of domain www.baisch.de:
Karl Baisch GmbH / Friedrich Ziegler

Responsible for content acc. §10, paragraph 3 MDStV:
Herr Thomas Ziegler
Pranger Str. 6
94560 Neuhausen / Offenberg

Administrative contact

Herr Thomas Ziegler
Karl Baisch GmbH
Pranger Str. 6
94560 Neuhausen / Offenberg

© Karl Baisch GmbH

All rights reserved. All texts, images, graphics, files etc. used on this website are subject to copyright and other intellectual property laws. Their transmission, amendment, commercial use and their use on other websites or in other media is not permitted.

Webdesign & Webdevelopment

creativconcept GmbH

Information pursuant to German Teleservices Act

The respective providers are liable for internet sites of any third parties which this site refers to via so-called links. The operator is not liable for the contents of such sites of third parties. Furthermore, this website can be linked to from other sites via so-called links without the operator´s knowledge. The operator resumes no liability whatsoever for representations, contents or any connection to  the operator´s political party affiliation in websites of third parties. The operator is liable for external contents only if they (e.g. including also any unlawful or punishable contents) are positively known, and if it is technically possible and reasonable for the operator to prevent their use. However, the operator is not under obligation, according to the  German Teleservices Act, to constantly check the external contents.
Legal notice pursuant to §6 of the German  Teleservices Act.